Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Groundislava - Book Of Tech

Ok, for anybody who has checked out the blog recently hoping to grab some more free shit I'd like to say I'm sorry for not updating one little bit of this blog at all.
Now follows a small list of excuses:
1. Internet connection problems
2. Lack of free shit
3. Ultra busy schedule
4. Lazy ass (in between ultra business)

This could even be the only post I make in April, depending on whether I get my new connection sorted at home or not. I am doing this blog single handedly, if anybody wants to help, please feel free, let me know.

So without further ado let's download this FREE glitchy 8-bit EP from Groundislava (what a great name). Some killer tracks, and although you might be getting sick of this 8-bit wonky glitch fest, this is really worth checking out. As Borat would say, "It's niiiice."

Check out Groundislava on Soundcloud.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, mate. Great blog!
    And you like Zeitgeist... that's pretty cool. ;)

    Erm, I can't find any email-adress, so I shit in this box... =)

    Can u post my new record?
    It's psychedelic 8-Bit or something. =)


    Hope u like it. I want to be the first august-guy. =)

